Allison Raymond

multimedia producer

Leveraging half a decade of production and post-production experience to oversee pre-production planning, on-set coordination, talent direction and post-production editing while ensuring projects are on-budget and meet deadlines. Expert-level capabilities in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom and over 100+ hours on-set and 50+ hours in-studio to coordinate live shoots and post-production editing from start to finish. Work featured on AdAge, King5 and AAF, collaborating with internal teams and external vendors to bring creative ideas to life.

See my work below

BECU x WSU Crop Mural

BECU x WSU Crop Mural

Produced an AAF-winning BECU project, remotely coordinating production of a crop field mural and oversaw post-production for social deliverables through three rounds of client reviews via, working with the editing vendor and internal teams to get client approval within one week of mural completion.

1. The Problem

BECU is a brand literally built on community. As a local not-for-profit credit union, BECU's brand awareness was at an all-time-high, but not for the eastern part of Washington State. As a part of launching WSU credit and debit cards, BECU needed to prove their dedication to the WSU community.

2. The Solution

When you think of Washington State University, the setting is front and center. The Poluse that our WSU Cougs call home is rolling hills of grain and crops that's iconic to this region. So, what better way to celebrate Cougs than a mural in a crop field on the way to campus?

3. The Process

Vendors were key for this project. The only way this creative idea could come to life was if we could assemble the right team who were up to the task. We found an earthwork artist who had been doing this kind of work for decades, and a video team that was onboard for this larger-than-life production. In 2020, I remotely coordinated production of the physical mural and oversaw post-production for photo and video social deliverables. In 2021 and 2022 I was able to travel to be on-site for the production to manage clients, develop deeper relationships with the vendors on the project and capture behind the scenes stills myself. 

4. The Results

The first year of the crop mural was such a hit that the installation is now an annual tradition. While on-location in Pullman in 2021 and 2022, I overheard conversations around town centered around this beloved tradition among the students and staff of WSU and the Pullman community at large. As a result, this project has instilled BECU as a part of the WSU community.

2021: Welcome Home

American Advertising Foundation Seattle Gold Addy

2022: Coug Flag

80K+ earned media impressions

7K+ social engagements

2021 Addy Awards @ 46:29

Come Out To Work Project

Come Out To Work Project

Managed the production of a social campaign, developing a content calendar for daily Instagram posts, working with internal editing teams to establish concise storylines within 10+ submitted videos and QC’ing 60 animated, static and video deliverables prior to trafficking.

1. The Problem

Until June of 2020, it was legal to fire any employee because they are LGBTQ+ (Human Rights Campaign Foundation). As of , 46% of LGBTQ+ workers are in the closet due to concerns about workplace discrimination, harassment and lack of action to resolve problems on behalf of employers ( 

2. The Opportunity

Compared to those who are not out, people who are out at work are significantly happier, have equal opportunity for advancement, have a positive relationship with their manager and also experience fewer micro-aggressions (McKinsey). 

3. The Solution

In June 2022 DNA Seattle launched “Come Out To Work”, an initiative to encourage LGBTQ+ workers to come out of the closet at work. We reached out to members of the LGBTQ+ community who were out at work to share their experience and shared these stories on Instagram. I was responsible for overseeing video edits to form the most cohesive story from the submitted videos and developed a social strategy and content calendar for the campaign. 

4. The Results

This project received support from multiple other agencies in the area and nationally and drew the attention of local media. The more significant impact was is the messages we received from closeted members of the LGBTQ+ community on our IG account, sharing that it helped them to come out in their professional environments. 

As a bi person, Come Out To Work was a project very near and dear to my heart. For me, coming out in my workplace was less of an event than coming out in my personal life, and I'm very aware that's not the case for everyone. I truly do believe that representation is crucial to an equitable workplace, and that's only possible when people feel supported to be who they are.

BECU Power In People Campaign

Power In People Campaign

Coordinated a $500,000+ budget production for shoots including vendor management, shoot day timelines, talent and vendor communications, talent releases, post-production schedules and client reviews.

1. The Problem

BECU’s marketing materials were stale. The not-for-profit credit union was focused on helping their members throughout the pandemic, and marketing was not a priority. As a result, awareness and market share was decreasing. 

2. The Opportunity

One of the most compelling things about BECU is the way their members genuinely love BECU. Ask any member why they love BECU and they’ll likely have some story of how BECU went above and beyond for them, like calling them when they’re on vacation in Germany to make sure their card wasn’t compromised. Or a mortgage advisor showing a first-time-home-buyer that they can indeed afford a home and teaching them the whole home-buying process. Members love BECU so much that they’ll submit photos of their lives to use in marketing. No one in their right mind would do that for a bank. 

3. The Solution

Diving deep into BECU’s brand with primary research and strategy work, we developed the idea behind the Power in People campaign. Members’ love for BECU was loud. So why don’t we let them do the talking? For the next year, we brought this campaign to life through creative development and production. We reached out to members and captured their stories on a six-day shoot, coordinating 40 member interviews and photo shoots in three locations around the greater Seattle area. 

Aiming to capture these members’ authentic experiences and truly represent the diversity of the BECU membership, we also constructed an independent DE&I panel of experts to consult throughout the casting, story selection and post-production process. 

Kindle, Member-Owner

Kindle, a BECU member since 2008, exudes kindness and joy. She and her husband live near the waters of the Puget Sound. She sat with us to share personal stories about her mother and grandmother, and generations of strong women in her family. She spoke passionately about her journey to find a place to call home. And with the help of BECU, she found it. For Kindle, her home fulfills not just her life dreams, it also represents her family's legacy for the generations to come.

Rolando, Member-Owner

We met Rolando, an expressive and talented graphic designer, along with his wife and two young children in their South Park home in Seattle. He shared his personal journey of what it was like to grow up as an immigrant striving to make a life in this country. He spoke of his dream of attending college and the challenges it took for him to get there. Like so many young people who struggle to balance having to work and take out expensive loans to pay for school, Rolando found himself in a mountain of debt that felt almost impossible to manage. Yet he persevered and credits BECU for helping him navigate financial challenges and pave a successful path forward.

Leandra, Member-Owner

Leandra is a young woman who exudes a genuine passion for life. We met her along with her husband and young daughter in their Tacoma home, where she shared that for most of her life, owning a home felt like a pipe dream. Growing up in a family that often struggled financially taught her the value of hard work and determination. When she hoped to make the transition from long-time renter to homeowner, she felt intimidated to even start the process. It was only after coming to BECU and meeting a mortgage advisor named Lauren that she saw real possibilities. And now she credits Lauren and BECU for changing her life.

4. The Results

1,300,000+ members

& growing

71% increase

in Account Opening Consideration

43 point increase

in Unaided Advertising Awareness